Kau harus hidup!
Ibu mendoakanku
Bukan karena aku tua, dan kau anakku tercinta
Kau harus hidup!
Ayahku berkata
Bukan karena aku tua, dan karena engkau adalah mataku
Kau harus hidup!
Abangku berkata, melindungi tubuhku agar selamat
Bukan hanya karena kita sedarah dan kau adikku
Kau harus hidup!
Bukan karena aku istrimu
Sekalipun, aku demikian mencintaimu
Aku harus hidup!
Kukatakan pada diriku berulangkali
Kulihat ayahku tewas
Ibuku tewas
Abangku tewas
Juga istriku tewas
Seluruh kesaksianku berada dalam kameraku
Aku harus hidup!
Bukan hanya karena aku putra kesayangan ibu
Tapi aku putra dari negeri ini
Aku harus hidup!
Bukan karena aku mata ayahku
Tapi aku adalah mata dunia
Aku harus hidup!
Bukan karena aku suadara dari abangku
Tetapi aku adalah saudara bagi kemanusiaan
Aku harus hidup!
Bukan karena cinta istriku
Tetapi karena aku menikahi kejujuran, lebih dari menikahi dirinya
Aku harus hidup!
Sebesar keinginanku untuk mati saat ini, berada bersama orang-orang yang kucintai
Sebesar rasa sakit yang membunuhku
Tapi aku harus hidup
Untuk menceritakan pada dunia
Kebiadaban, kenistaan ini
Pada rakyat, jurnalis, seluruh kru berita
Yang telah memeluk dahsyat kematian
Meninggalkan orang-orang yang dicintai
Merasakan keperihan fisik dan emosional yang demikian dalam
Untuk tetap menceritakan pada dunia apa yang terjadi
You’re not alone, Egypt!
Puisi Karya Ganjar Widhiyoga, mahasiswa program doktoral Hubungan Internasional di New Castle, Inggris
(didedikasikan utk rekan2 wartawan, jurnalis, kamerawan & semua yg gugur dlm tragedi kemanusiaan)
“You have to live,”
She prayed for me.
“Not because I am old,
and you are my beloved son.”
“You have to live,”
He said to me.
“Not because I am blind,
and you are my eyes.”
“You have to live,”
He pushed me into safety.
“Not because you are my blood
and my brother.”
“You have to live,”
She shielded me.
“Not because you are my love,
eventhough I love you enough.”
I have to live!
I told to myself repeatedly.
When I saw my father died,
when I saw my mother died,
when I saw my brother died,
when I saw my beloved wife died…
All I witnessed behind my camera.
I have to live!
My mother had prayed for me.
Not because I am her son,
but because I am
the son of this land.
I have to live!
My father had said that to me.
Not because I am his eyes,
but because I am
the world’s eyes.
I have to live!
My brother had guarded me.
Not because I am his brother,
but because I am
the brother of humanity.
I have to live!
My wife had sacrificed herself for me.
Not because she loved me,
But because I am married to truth
Even before I met her.
I have to live,
I whispered to myself.
As much as I want to die
and be with those that I love…
As much as this pain
is killing me…
But I have to live…
Just to tell the world
about this massacre.
A tribute to:
All citizens, journalists and news crews
who have embraced the danger of death,
left their loved ones,
and are feeling terrible physical and emotional pains
to open the world’s eyes.
You have to live!
Copas : http://sintayudisia.wordpress.com/2013/08/23/kau-harus-hidup-you-have-to-live-a-poem-for-egypt/